Recordings Now Available! | “Front and (Off-)Centre: Fashion and Southeast Asia”

Recordings Now Available! | “Front and (Off-)Centre: Fashion and Southeast Asia”

Recordings of Front and (Off-)Centre: Fashion and Southeast Asia are now available!

On 5 and 6 May, Fashion & Market collaborated with The Courtauld Research Forum to present Front and (Off-)Centre: Fashion and Southeast Asia. Over nine sessions—and a plenary session at the end—the conference responded to the following questions: 

  1. How do fashion practitioners who have ties to Southeast Asia engage with the self, their local and regional communities, as well as the global fashion system?

  2. What are the ideas and values that underpin the work they do? 

  3. And what are the common threads and unique characteristics that define fashion from the region, if any?

Click here for information on the conference, including the schedule, and the conference booklet to read abstracts and bios. And here are the recordings in three parts:

Day 1:

Day 2:

Plenary Session:

*A note that the Q&A segment of each session is omitted, and that a few presentations have not been released.

Thank you to everyone who attended the conference, and for those who are watching after, we hope you will enjoy the recordings. We look forward to more conversations on fashion and Southeast Asia. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please write to our editor Nadya Wang at Till the next time!


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