Elizabeth Kezia

Elizabeth Kezia Widjaja.

What is your full name?

Elizabeth Kezia Widjaja.

What is your first name?


Where were you born?

Jakarta, Indonesia.

Where do you currently reside and work?


What is your educational background?

I hold a Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media Art from City University of Hong Kong.

How would you describe your practice?

My current work creates a mindful digital environment where the audience needs to respond actively to receive their information. These works attempt to breathe more life into the static digitals, by merging the two-dimensional image–mostly from fashion photography and music parties–with the interactivity of computer programming.

What are the highlight projects in your career so far?

I exhibited my first installation work based on photographs at YePYeP’s Oh, The Importance of Play at Kiang Malingue in 2022. This marked the turn towards a more intermedia approach of image-making.

In 2022, I had the honour of being named one of the British Fashion Council’s The Fashion Award New Wave: Creatives in recognition of my contribution to fashion photography.

I also recently had the chance to collaborate with DJs Baby Diwata and Loveless in the Amorphous Body during the Asian Avant-Garde Film Festival 2024 at M+ Museum, Hong Kong. The collaboration is in the form of a music visualisation that simultaneously acts as image documentation of a social happening.These efforts to decouple photography from its expected documentation purpose is a quality that I’m striving for in my recent work.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently focusing on upskilling my creative computing knowledge, with the intention to expand the medium of my visual work, its mode of presentation, and distribution. I imagine my future work to require the audience to move in order to navigate through the photography narrative.

Instagram: @ekezia
Website: https://e-kezia.com

Read Kezia’s ‘Through the Lens’ feature here.


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