Owais Ghaffar

Owais Ghaffar

What is your full name?

Owais Ghaffar.

What is your first name?


Where were you born?

London, United Kingdom.

Where do you currently reside and work?

Between London, United Kingdom and Bangkok, Thailand.

What is your educational background?

I hold an MEng (Hons) in Chemical Engineering from University College London.

What are other experiences that have led you to your current work?

For a long time, I have wished for clothing in Europe to be better fitted for Asians living here. After spending a few working a corporate job to gain funds, I decided to launch SAIWO, a brand dedicated to providing high-quality, well-fitting clothing designed specifically for Asians.

How would you describe your practice?

SAIWO’s designs are inclusive, relatable and open.

What are the highlight projects in your career so far?

The highlight of my career was being able to launch SAIWO at Pure London, which is the biggest fashion trade show in the United Kingdom.

While living in Bangkok, I took a week-long trip to Jakarta during Independence Week. I am of Pakistani descent, but I celebrate the country’s independence as if I were an Indonesian. I celebrated at Monas, a landmark in Jakarta, and showcased my brand. The reception was fantastic. Now, I am planning to launch SAIWO in Indonesia, highlighting Indonesian and other diverse identities.

What are you currently working on?

We are currently developing our trouser collection, tailoring them to Asian builds.

Instagram: @saiwoclothing
Website: www.saiwoclothing.com


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